Just like all children for many years I believed what my parents taught me about God. There came a time when my curiosity about life conflicted with what I was taught. Answers came from all religious teachings. There was no single religion that satisfied all my questions. Even some of the religious teachings conflicted those of other religions. It was at that point in my 20s when I stopped identifying myself as an Hindu. I felt immense freedom when I disidentified myself from religion. This freedom allowed me to explore the possibilities of lifetime without the barriers of religion. I realized that I don’t need religion to be moral. I just have to be humane. There’s a difference between humane and human. During business dealings and in the corporate world I’ve seen devoted religious people behaving unscrupulously towards colleagues. I have no devotion to nor worship religious teachers like Jesus and Buddha just as I don’t have devotion to Albert Einstein and my maths professor. People will argue that that is not a fair comparison. It is to a seeker who sees them all as teachers. Jesus and Buddha did not create religions they just taught. Followers created religions. The great teachers did not defend their teaching yet followers are willing to take the lives of others in the name of religion. We are meant to learn and apply. I’m not knocking religious followers. I hope that there are more humane and moral religious people than not. People have the freedom to do as they please. I just feel that freedom is wasted when people just believe what they have been taught and wholeheartedly belief that that is all there is. As for me I just want to bridge the communication gap that exists between my physical body, conscious mind, sub-conscious mind and the life energy that flows through me and everything else. Spirit is the energy that flows through all things. When you are religious you may speak of this energy because someone told you about it. When you are spiritual you know this energy experientially. This is the experience a seeker seeks.
I’m a seeker
on December 26, 2017
3 Responses
wow… Truly inspirational… Thanks for leaving me moved and inspired…. Absolutely awesome Sagren… Wish u the very best always… Cos you are really an inspiration to whoever crosses your path… Thanks
I was “forced” to attend church as a child. I always suspected that there was more to what was preached. Following you Sagren is liberating because you don’t force people to believe you. You speak your truth and it resonates with me. I thought I was lost, now I know I’m not lost, I’m a seeker.
Jeethen Kalidin
in my opinion and personal journey through life, I have come to realize that all the teachings that come from prophets are excellent. all depends on an individuals discovery of who they are, and if they really know what they want in life. Only when you discover who you are then will you answer the questions to what you need to achieve in life. We find that too many people these days don’t really know who they are and go through life making incorrect personal decisions that affect everybody around them and I myself only when being subject to a decision, I was forced to question who I am and what life requires of me. Religious teachings give us a good foundation only when we apply these teachings, having the knowledge of something and not using it has wisdom only remains knowledge which has no real value. Another opinion of prophetic teachings is that teachings and traditions where not merely taught to become a routine in our lives but more a connection to a superior being. Executing a routine prayer fore the sake of tradition does not mean that you have connected to our god. We find that to many people go through routines without mentally making a connection to god and bypass the opportunity to fully link their minds and souls to the benefits of a spiritual connection. In my opinion, God wants us to always have a connection to him via his teachings and our daily application of these teachings, this will make him glad and certainly help us to be more humane to those that need our help. We where all put on earth not to be service to ourselves and our personal needs but more as service to our families and the needy. Everyday application is what counts and this is the connection that is required of us…Sagren thank you soo much for the advice and the time you have taken to help and coach other people. its exactly as I see it as you are merely applying the teachings in a practical format which I applaud you for.