How to deal with negativity

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We all experience negativity. Negativity in its basic form are the emotions we feel when things don’t go our way. There in is the clue. It’s the emotions that are generated internally when external events don’t go our way.
Recognizing your emotions whether good or bad  is a sign of living consciously. Read my previous blog Billions are in a Slumber of how people are living unconsciously. Negative emotions left unchecked leads to negative moods, negative moods unchecked leads to negative behavior and negative behavior leads to a negative personality or person. Whenever you experience a negative emotion the first step is to recognize it. There are many triggers to your negative emotions. Some examples are the undesirable behavior of your child, spouse, colleague, boss, subordinate, customer, waitron, a total stranger or an inanimate object like your computer. It does not matter the cause of your negative emotion but by recognizing and interrupting the negative emotion you are in a position to choose your reaction. Stop yourself even in midsentence and say to yourself “mmm there’s that feeling I don’t like”. That is a verbal signal to your mind to consciously react. You don’t have to become soft and let the other person off the hook. You can still have a tough discussion and get your message across but this time from a place of power where you don’t come across like a raging lunatic. In terms of couples especially married couples this strategy gets you talking civilly immediately instead of days ignoring each other while you wait for the negative energy to subside from your system. This leads to another important point. Interrupting negative feelings and dealing with them immediately has the added benefit of not allowing the negative energy to accumulate in your physical body. Negative energy stored in your physical body leads to disease. I like to spell it as dis-ease. Live consciously and welcome the negativity because it gives you clues of who you are by showing you what you are not.

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